Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1st

Hello, Spring Break!

The semester is a little over halfway done, and my college is officially off for a week. Durango is starting to finally look and sound like spring: green buds, tiny crocuses, daffodil shoots, and the many songs of returning songbirds. The days are getting longer and (slightly) warmer, and I'm daydreaming badly about summer.

What I would LIKE to do on my spring break: go somewhere with a beach, dig my toes into the sand, scuba dive, drink lots of Mexican beer accompanied by tiny, delicious tacos, explore somewhere I've never been, attempt to speak any language but English, and/or at least leave Colorado.

What I WILL be doing: starting my new job, keeping up to snuff on my school work, and spending time alone thanks to my boyfriend's horrid work schedule.

At least one of our good friends is driving in from Denver for a day, and it will be beyond wonderful to see her :)

I, Amanda, pledge that these next nine days are going to be based around fitness. Or so help me.

No excuses.

No slacking.

No days off.

Better nutrition. Efficient workouts. Everyday. No ifs, ands, or buts.

MWF: Large weights and heavy lifting: bench press, squats, deadlifts, and overhead press; 10 pushups per day.

T,Th: Smaller weight work with dumbbells instead of barbells; 50 air squats per day.

This Saturday and Sunday: Walking, jogging inside or outside, combined 3 hours; 100 air squats each day; 25 pushups each day.

Next Saturday and Sunday: Hiking both days (or snowshoeing depending on weather); 110 air squats per day, 30 pushups per day.

Every day: 3 Nalgenes of water, wake-up at 5 am, 8 hours of sleep (9 pm bedtime!), 1 hour homework/school work, 1 hour pleasure reading.

Nutrition: Breakfast every day! Smoothies, egg scrambles with veggies, sweet potato hash with avocado. Snack healthfully: fruit, veggies, hummus, yogurt. Eat every dinner at home and work on reducing ingredients, amping up spices, and measuring everything. TRACK FOOD!

This is a chance to reset myself. I need to find the perseverance and dedication to do this for ME!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23rd

Happy Saturday! The boyfriend and I had a lovely sleep-in until 8:30, and we're now settling into an afternoon of homework after breakfast at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, where the owner knows your name and acts like your cool aunt who cooks really good homey Mexican food (think zucchini-corn tamale with an over-easy egg on top) with all-natural and mostly-local ingredients. 

Midterm grades are due this upcoming Monday, which means *gasp* we're halfway through the semester! Starting March 4th, we have our week-long spring break, but I'll be starting my new job so I won't really feel like I have a break at all!

I've been focusing on almost 100% weights for my recent workouts, which I'm loving. I tried explaining it to my boyfriend today - how cardio would make me exhausted and bored, but with my barbell/dumbbell workouts I become sore and yet still feel energized. Instead of dreading going to sit on an elliptical for 30 minutes, I look forward to going and seeing if I can increase the weights I'm lifting or better the number of reps I can do!

I also started tracking my workouts on Fitocracy, which is fun because they assign number values to each exercise and track the "level" that you're on based on points. It also seems to have a very active online community (something that will be nice, but I won't get too involved), and sign-up is free. 

My nutrition has been far from great lately, which frustrates me because I know that food and alcohol are what has been keeping me from seeing any losses on the scale. The only issue is trying to cater to my 24-year-old roommate, who I love dearly but is pretty picky when it comes to food. On top of that, he's paid me to cook for him, so I don't feel right cooking lots of quinoa, veggies, and other foods that he doesn't seem to whole-heartedly appreciate. Still searching to find a happy medium in this department.

On top of this, my boyfriend now works a whole week at a time before having a week off. Since he can't drink while on duty every night, he wants to have a beer or glass of wine pretty much every night, and he wants me to join him. I realize this is an instance of peer pressure I don't have to give in to, so I need to work on telling myself "no" almost every time that I'm faced with a yummy beer or delicious wine. And also practice moderation, as 2-3 beverages on a few nights per week is NOT okay.

Something I AM proud of is my newest plan to do 100 air squats every other day. It's going great! I've done 4 days of it and my legs feel awesome. I like the fact that I can spread the 100 squats over the course of the day and finish them at my own pace. I'm also doing great with my water consumption - 2 to 3 Nalgenes per day for the last week or so!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17th

Ugh. Somewhere very shortly after my last post, I got sucked into a school/exhaustion vortex that didn't spit me out until yesterday at approximately 11:00 am. And of course I'm headed back down the rabbit hole tomorrow, but the good news is that we have only 9 weeks of school left, and only two weeks until spring break!

The bummer news (not really bad, but not totally good either) is that I'm stuck at home for spring break, and I'll be beginning my new job at BREW Pub & Kitchen. My new co-workers and I did a team building yesterday and had an awesome time, and it is so incredibly rewarding to see this brewery be created from the ground up. On the other hand, it's a new line of work for me, and being a server is a scary prospect when your entire work experience for the past six years has revolved around medicine!

I'm DEFINITELY not doing so great food- and exercise-wise, but at least my grades are awesome! Still trying to search for that elusive balance between school, work, and health that I know has to exist somewhere.

Right now I'm enjoying toast with peanut butter, banana, and cinnamon, a cup of diesel fuel black coffee, and waiting for my boyfriend to drive home from his overnight shift so we can go watch skijoring in Silverton! (Here's a skijoring video for the uninitiated). It is quite possible that a few rum drinks will be had as well :)

Sunday Full-Body Weight Circuit

3x10 weighted squats (I did 30# - 15# per side)

3x10 deadlifts (20# total, 10# per side - ready to level up to 15# per side)

3x10 chest press (30# - had to split the last set into 2x5 or I wouldn't have finished!)

3x10 tricep dips (despite being body weight only, these are the best tricep exercise ever)

3x10 bicep curl/shoulder press combo (I did 12# bumbbells and I think I can level up to 12.5#)

3x1 minute planks (ouch - keep it up!)

4x25 crunches on stability ball

Full body stretch

40 minutes total with 5 min treadmill warm-up. What a great start to this beautiful Sunday!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 10th

For the first time in a long time, I am really, REALLY enjoying winter. I'm enjoying each new snowfall and cloudy day, voluntarily shoveling attempting to shovel the (very long) driveway. It probably helps that Durango is experiencing a pretty mild winter, although the mountains nearby have gotten pounded quite a few times with very substantial snowfall. Although we suffered through a frigid week that averaged lows each night of about -10 degrees Fahrenheit, the rest of the winter has seen daily temperatures reaching the 40s and 50s, with a lot of beautiful bluebird skies. 

Although I have been a Coloradan for more than half my life, I am not a skiier. Or a snowboarder. On occasion, I like to snowshoe...on groomed, packed trails. Hmmm, maybe my lack of affinity for snow sports can account for why I normally hate winter? Still, I'm enjoying the simple beauty of all the white stuff we keep getting!

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, mostly about the fact that I feel like school has led me to live a very boring, mundane life. Pre-school, the boyfriend and I took more than a few very spontaneous trips whenever we had more than two days off together. We drove to Los Angeles simply so that we could be near the ocean for about 10 hours. We embarked on a weekend camping tour of New Mexico hot springs in the winter, and had to quickly adapt when it began to snow mid-trip. And after finally making up (at 11pm) following a pretty bad fight in our first year of dating, we drove from Denver to Breckenridge, enjoyed the mountains and lakes by moonlight, and got a swanky ski lodge room for a very large discount after the hotel clerk found out we'd only be there for a few hours. 

Now enter ourselves during this foray back to college. We spend our weeknights mostly doing homework, which is about how our weekends look as well, just with more beer added into the mix. Since this school year began in August, we have taken two weekend trips in-state (to, lo and behold, the same place) and went to Gunnison for five days over Christmas. We have also dreamed a lot about vacations to, among other places: Mexico, Cuba, Hawaii, and Australia.

I don't want us to think that school is some horrible life event that has sucked the very fun out of our existences, because in reality it is setting us up for much better, more comfortable lives than we were headed towards before. In that respect, I have brainstormed a list of five things we can do in the next year (meaning from today, February 10th, 2013 until February 10th, 2014) that will not only be compatible with our new school-centered lives, but will also be affordable life experiences that we will cherish for the rest of our lives. Call it a baby bucket list that's grounded in reality and affordability :)

1. Go skiing together (I might need a skiing lesson beforehand!).

2. Hike three 14ers (peaks over 14,000 feet) this summer.

3. Do a big volunteer project (i.e. Habitat for Humanity).

4. Run a race (we had fun doing the Warrior Dash a year and a half ago, but a simple 5k might be more up our alley).

5. Explore a National Park nearby that we haven't been to before: (Zion (UT), Canyonlands (UT), Dinosaur National Monument (CO), Petrified Forest (AZ), Carlsbad Caverns (NM), White Sands (NM), or Grand Teton (WY) are all ideas.

Summer Prep - Workout and Life Plan (for the foreseeable future)

No-Meat Mondays
~ 20 minutes of cardio
~ 1 hour of resistance/weight training -LEGS
~ eat vegetarian all day long!

TV-Free Tuesdays
~ Ab work for 15-30 minutes
~ 45 minutes to 1 hour of cardio
~ absolutely no TV allowed, unless its a workout DVD. Read a book for pleasure instead - at least 30 minutes.

Wheat-free Wednesday
~ 20 min cardio
~ 1 hour weight training - ARMS
~ no wheat products allowed, including grain-based liquor!

Thirsty Thursday
~ 15-30 min ab work
~ 45 min-1 hr cardio
~ make today include water! That can be lap swimming, extra water or tea intake, or even a long, leisurely walk along the river trail. Be creative! It doesn't mean you actually have to set foot IN water.

Fabulous Friday
~ 20 min cardio
~ 1 hour weight training - BACK/SHOULDERS/CHEST
~ if it's been a good week, treat yourself to some new makeup, nail polish, or anything else that makes you feel fabulous, as well as a fitness magazine.

Sexy Saturday
~ 15-30 min ab work
~ 1 hour of cardio
~ Be sexy! Have a sexy breakfast, wear some sexy underwear, get all dolled up and go out for the evening, or stay in to make yourself a cocktail and watch movies starring your favorite hunk!

Sleepy Sunday
~ Sleep in if you want!
~ Do at least an hour of the workout of your choice. It can be a fitness circuit, an outdoor hike, a long run...anything you want to do that you enjoy.
~ Make a game plan for the coming week including a menu, workouts, and goals.
~ Go to bed early to prepare for the new week ahead.

*I love loose plans like the one above, with set exercise durations/focus areas, and day-specific goals, like all-vegetarian Mondays. We'll see how this goes. I want to be ready to meet summer head-on with a fitter body and lots of energy. Winter will be over in no time!


Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8th


This week has been a rough one for me. Spotty eating, one workout on Monday....yeah, it hasn't really been the best. Apparently I'm really good at forgetting this VERY true quote: 

So with that, I'm going to spend the weekend re-remembering how to take care of myself, which involves planning food, figuring out a week's worth of workouts, and working on getting more sleep. Today, I'm simply going to enjoy my first day off with my boyfriend in a week and go for a couple's massage tonight to celebrate our 5th anniversary.

More tomorrow!


Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4th

Every year, we get around fifty-two Mondays. Being a blank-slate lover, I probably enjoy these dreaded days of the week more than most people. Mondays mean that another week is laid out before me, one that I can make as perfect as I please. My typical perspective on a Monday morning is that the week is going to be great.

Come Wednesday or Thursday evening, I usually have to revise that thought, but the fact is that we should appreciate Mondays more! Mondays set the tone for the next five days, and the horrors of the week before have been buffered by the weekend (usually). So it stands to reason that Mondays might rightfully deserve to be our second-most favorite day of the week (after Fridays, of course). Here's how I started my Monday:

~ 5 am wake-up. 
~ 5:30 gym arrival

Back To Reality/Monday Workout

- 5 min warm-up on treadmill

- 3x30 second wall sits with arm extension (6# weights)
- 3x20 weighted donkey kicks (6#)
- 4 sets of weighted squats with 30# + bar (reps: 10, 7, 5, 6)

- 3x10 tricep kick-backs (1 set with 8#, 2 sets with 7#)
- 4 sets of assisted pull-ups with 100# assist (reps: 10, 6, 5, 5)
- Pushups on knees (reps: 10, 10, 12)

- 3x10 lat pulldown (70#)
- Kneeling rows (10 with 10#, 20 with 12#)
- Plank rows (12with 12#)
- 1x10 reaching romanian deadlifts, 8# medicine ball (my legs were toast at this point and these require a lot of balance - not as many reps as I hoped! Find the diagram for this exercise here)

- 2-min moderate run on treadmill, 3 min walk

~ Breakfast: 1 Chobani banana yogurt, 1slice of whole wheat toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and cinnamon, a small apple, and 16oz of coffee with 2 teaspoons of whipping cream (the best!) and 1 packet of Splenda. Oh, and I ate another 1/2 slice of toast with some p.b. pre-workout so I didn't have to exercise on an empty stomach.

~ Shower
~ 8 am Microeconomics class

Now I'm home, and after blogging I'm going to head out and buy groceries for dinner - my favorite pork and hominy stew!

Happy Monday!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3rd

Holy crap, it's February!

That is pretty much how I start off every single month, because time truly goes by so fast that a whole month passes in the blink of an eye. So what do i do at the start of each new month when trying to get healthy? Size up the month that just ended, of course.

January was not an exemplar month. My fitness was very hit-and-miss, and my nutrition had both pros and cons. On a positive note, I did actually get in actual physical activity for the month (which, sadly, can not be said for other months previous). Also, I ate about 85-90% of my meals at home. On the other hand, I was not very careful with calories, and of course home-cooked meals do NOT equal healthy meals 100% of the time. However, I did find some fabulous recipes (Philly Cheesesteak-Stuffed Peppers, anyone?) that I will certainly be making more of in the future.

I also managed to get through the first round of my class exams, with As across the board. That truly makes me happy, especially since I struggle a lot more with motivation and good study habits in this winter/spring semester than I do in the fall.

I kicked my own butt at the gym last night, amidst quite a few gym-goers who were accomplishing nothing in the hour and a half that we crossed paths. I'm sorry, but if you are just going to sit there and actually read a book for fifteen minutes between each set of 2-3 reps that you do, could you please move out of the way so I can do my walking lunges? I left knowing that I thoroughly exhausted my muscles, which made me feel accomplished, strong, and happy :)

Here are two fitness sites that have really been motivating/inspiring me lately:

~ Greatist
~ NerdFitness

And here's an awesome quote I found that certainly hit home...
